It’s no mystery that being a mom is a tough job, but I don’t think I ever really appreciated all that they do. It took me getting our new puppy, Reagan, to START to understand what my mom went through raising me. Yes, I realize that raising a dog isn’t the same as raising a child, but if it’s ANYTHING like raising a child, my mom deserves a drink!
Speaking of a drink …. JaM Cellars is a great easy-to-love everyday California wine, because moms know that wine could be needed every day 🙂 . Follow JaM Cellars on Facebook and Instagram for daily wine-spiration, just when you need it the most!
Here’s my top 10 ways raising a puppy can be like raising a child
Potty training | Now I know it takes longer for kids to become potty trained, but, hey, at least there’s diapers. Before Reagan was pooping outside, she preferred to go on only our expensive rugs. Heaven forbid she poop on the cheap ones I was about to replace. I guess I should appreciate her good taste?
Kids hiding things from the parents | Just like parents of teenagers, nothing gets past puppy parents. No Reagan can’t lie to us directly to our face, but her body language says it all. It’s amazing how she’d inadvertently lead me right to the poop in the corner of the kitchen or the chewed up scrap booking supplies in my closet (I cried for days over that one).
Kids not appreciating all the nice things their mom buys for them | Reagan definitely didn’t appreciate the not one, but two, different beds that we bought her. Or maybe she appreciated them too much, because she likely digested half of them.
Worrying about the foods you’re feeding your child | We had Reagan on a very special and overpriced diet that included cooked rice and pumpkin. It got to the point that I realized I was spending more time making Reagan’s food than Joe’s. Too bad for Joe because EVERYONE in the family then started eating rice for dinner!
If you’re nodding your head right now, you deserve a drink! Grab a glass (or two … no judgement here) of JaM Cellars Butter Chardonnay. It lives up to the name!
Kids growing out of their clothes before they even wear them | The picture below was Reagan’s winter coat that she only wore two times before she outgrew it. Why on earth are dog clothes SO expensive? I know what you’re thinking. You’re one of those owners who puts clothes on your dogs. In my defense, dobermans are very sensitive to both hot and cold weather, which brings me to …..
Panicking over the littlest things | Like the time we thought Reagan was drastically dehydrated. We even tried to get her to drink water using an eye dropper. Apparently after a $1,000 trip to the emergency room we found out that she just wasn’t thirsty. Expensive lesson.
Babies sleeping in the master bedroom | For the first month Reagan’s cage was in our bedroom so that we could watch over her. We even rearranged the lamps in our room to ensure just the right amount of evening light so that she wouldn’t be scared of the dark. Having her in the bedroom also meant that we couldn’t even get up to use the bathroom at night for fear of waking her up. Because waking her meant …..
Crying | I know I know baby crying isn’t like dog wining, but ahhhhh. Puppy wining is pretty awful. We would even put water bottles with hot water inside wrapped in a sock in to her cage at night. It was supposed to mimic the feeling of sleeping next to her brothers and sisters. What did we learn? Apparently she didn’t like sleeping next to her siblings.
Sleepless nights | I would often hear from coworkers about their lack of sleep the previous night because their little one kept them up all night. Let’s just say that my coworkers didn’t seem to have the same sympathy when I would tell them the same story with my puppy.
This is to all the puppy moms who found themselves with a glass of wine!
And to all the moms of children, YOU definitely deserve a drink 🙂 .
Find Butter Chardonnay in a store near your with the JaMCellars WineFinder. You can find Butter Chardonnay at select stores across the nation including Wholefoods, Bevmo, Total Wine & More, Kroger and HEB. Be sure to check the JaM Cellars WineFinder to find a store nearest you.
I was selected for this opportunity as a member of Clever Girls and the content and opinions expressed here are all my own.
Celeste says
I remember those days well, and I don’t envy you one bit! They’re so adorable when they’re puppies, but they’re SO much work! There was a lot I didn’t know about puppies until we got one ourselves, like the crying all night. I thought that was just a baby thing! Though it feels like you’ll never leave the puppy stage, it’s really over before you know it. Hang in there and keep the wine handy! 😉 Reagan is one cute puppy!
Mistie says
Hilarious post Lindsay, sorry I’m laughing at your pain though. However, don’t think you have to down play the puppy growing pains. As a mother of children and puppies, I’m not sure which can be more trying at times. That wine looks delicious!
Becca says
I remember the days of having a new puppy in the house. Now that our “puppy” is 6 I can say I love being a puppymom 🙂 Granted she still tears things up from time to time (like that leftover bag of Chick-fil-a she ate yesterday!), but all in all she’s wonderful.