I love watching TV …. the more bad reality TV the better in my mind. Most of my binge watching is on Netflix or Amazon these days. Believe it or not, but we don’t have cable! Friends are shocked when they hear this because they know I love my bad TV shows 🙂 .
That being said, when I do turn on ‘regular TV’ I never remember which channel is which. Scrolling through looking for the right channel can be so irritating, especially with commercials.
We’ve all heard the definition of insanity is doing the same thing over and over again and expecting different results. I think about this every time I’m scrolling frustrated trying to find the channel I’m looking for. I claim I’m going to write these down eventually. But then I find the channel I’m looking for and forget my problem ever existed! Sound familar?
Not only did it drive me crazy to not know what channel is what, I know it can be frustrating for guests visiting us. With our baby due date fast approaching, we’ve got lots of house guests coming in town to help (thanks goodness!). Not having to ask for the channels is just one of the ways that I try to make hosting easier on everyone.
Here’s how I make my TV Channel Guide
- This editable & printable template
- Scissors
- Clear contact paper
- Thick card stock paper
The first thing you’ll want to do is write down all the channels you have. For those of you with cable, that’s likely LOTS of channels. Personally I only jotted down the  channels I actually watched. It seems that most of us watch a fraction of the channels that we have!
Here’s our TV Channel Guide Template to download
This template is an editable word document so that you can add in your own channels. I created 4 different sizes, but you’re able to adjust any of the sizes on your own. I selected the size that fit the back of my TV remote. Once I created the guide, I simply taped it to the back of the remote.
If there’s not enough room to list all your TV channels on any of the templates, adjust the length by clicking on the bottom of the rectangle to select it (you’ll see the circles appear). Drag the bottom middle circle down to the length that you want.
Now type out all your channels, print on thick card stock paper and cut out.
Then cut two piece of contact paper slightly larger than your TV channel guide cutout.
Affix one sheet of contact paper on back side of the guide and one on the top. Using a scissor, cut the excess contact paper around the sides. While covering with contact paper isn’t required, it makes the guide more durable.
For quick access, tape the TV channel guide to the back of your remote.
And yes, these are really ALL the TV channels that we have. Thank goodness for Netflix and Amazon Prime!
Ramona says
LOL totally know how people look at you for not watching cable or anything! I don’t as well and only recently got amazon prime and thiiiiiinking about maybe getting netflix in addition sometime this year XD
but this is a great idea!